HOME > Products > Optional Equipment > Torque Verification Equipment
This lineup includes a R-CM receiver for wireless torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers equipped with Pokayoke (error-proofing) tightening count management to prevent human tightening errors. The receiver includes other optional pieces of equipment, such as the CNA-4mk3 Pokayoke count checker and the Bluetooth®-equipped R-BT receiver.
Three different wireless modules can be used, and you can switch them on your own. They can be used on a number of different wireless devices, reducing cost.
Tohnichi has doubled the number of input/output contact points on the R-CM Wireless Receiver with Interchangeable Modules.
Increased buzzer alert volume and LED surface area on the R-CM Wireless Receiver with Interchangeable Modules. This makes it easy to recognize judgment results from a considerable distance.
It is easy to wirelessly perform data transfer settings on Pokayoke (error proofing) transmitters and receivers.
The error-proofing (Pokayoke) counter controls the number of tightening operations to prevent human tightening errors.
This Bluetooth receiver receives tightened-to-completion signals from the HAC series of battery-operated semi-automatic torque wrenches, and outputs signals to devices such as the CNA-4mk3 error-proof count checker. It can receive torque data from HACQSPDY devices that transmit tightening torque data, and from the PTA-BT series of battery-operated fully automatic torque drivers. Use it to easily build a tightening data management system.
The various settings for FH wireless Pokayoke (error proofing) transmitters and receivers are done wirelessly. * The SB-FH256 was upgraded to the SB-FH2 to accommodate R-CM receiver upgrades.
One receiver can recognize a maximum of four torque wrenches, when generating contact outputs. * The I/O-FH256 was upgraded to the IO-CM to accommodate changes made when the R-FH256 receiver was upgraded to the R-CM.