There are two types of torque screwdrivers: signal-type and direct reading models. Click type torque screwdrivers are used primarily for tightening. When the set torque is achieved, rotary slip prevents over-torque, and the hand feels a release of tension, indicating tightened-to-completion. Direct reading torque screwdrivers are used primarily for measuring and inspection. They display numerical measurement values. We also supply Pokayoke (error-proof) torque screwdrivers designed to prevent human tightening errors.
Tohnichi’s lineup of click type torque screwdrivers includes adjustable torque screwdrivers with scale, preset torque screwdrivers made for repeated preset torque tightening, non-rotary torque screwdrivers, insulated torque screwdrivers and torque screwdrivers for tasks that demand very small torque.
Tohnichi’s lineup of Error-proofing (pokayoke) torque drivers that help you avoid missed tightening includes wired RTDLS and RNTDLS models, wireless RTDFH and RNTDFH models, and MNTD models for head marking.
Tohnichi’s lineup of indicating torque screwdrivers includes dial indicating and digital models.